Many people coming to this site do so in search of local history to do with Sawbridgeworth, the next town to High Wych. Indeed, yours truly, the High Wych village historian was and is very much involved with a local history group in Sawbridgeworth. Until recently that group operated under the umbrella of U3A.
For a variety of reasons that proved unworkable and it was decided to seek independence. That process is now finished. As from 27th October 2016 we are a society with officers and all. Yours truly was appointedchair person. We also drew up a constitution. According to this our aim is: to research, collect, record and preserve the history of Sawbridgeworth and its surrounding area and share it through public meetings, and in printed and/or electronic formats.
Eventually there will be a website where we will publish the results of our research and members can work on projects. Please be patient whilst that is set up. For the moment watch this space for news about the Sawbridgeworth Local History Society.
Talk to you soon, Theo